Biodiversity Assessment

Download our Biodiversity Assessment Capability Statement

Earth Systems offers integrated solutions to strategically assess, manage and monitor biodiversity values to achieve the best possible outcome for both the client and the environment.

We have the capability to assist companies in demonstrating best practice in biodiversity management. Effective biodiversity management can help companies to:

  • Obtain permits rapidly and operate cost effectively
  • Maintain a competitive advantage as preferred partners with governments and other stakeholders
  • Increase investor confidence and loyalty

Our capabilities include terrestrial and aquatic field surveys and use of Indigenous Knowledge Surveys (IKS) (or Traditional Knowledge) to maximize use of local knowledge – particularly in areas with limited baseline information. Our work has taken us to diverse environments – from arid, semi-arid areas to coastal zones and tropical rain forests. Our biodiversity studies consider both the ecological and resource use aspects of terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna. Our assessments ensure that biodiversity issues are adequately considered, and appropriate measures are recommended to minimize or offset any potential impacts.

We also develop revegetation and rehabilitiation programs that are compatible with local ecology, but also meet negotiated end-use requirements.

Services Provided

  • Biodiversity impact assessments
  • Management plans (project specific, species specific or regional)
  • Terrestrial flora and fauna surveys (field surveys and Indigenous Knowledge)
  • Aquatic flora and fauna surveys
  • Biodiversity offset assessment and planning
  • Weed and invasive species assessment and control
  • Ecosystem services and resource use assessment
  • Biodiversity monitoring
  • Revegetation and rehabilitation
  • Economic forestry assessment

Biodiversity impact assessment

We ensure that biodiversity issues adequately assessed, and appropriate measures are recommended to minimize or offset any potential impacts.

Management Plans

The input of environmental expertise to create a strategic and adaptive management plan will allow biodiversity to be effectively integrated into project operations.

Fauna and Flora Surveys

Expert targeted surveys to ensure that key biodiversity values are identified in the most cost-effective manner.


When avoidance is not possible, we help to identify, implement and manage best practice biodiversity offsets which comply with relevant legislation.

Biodiversity Monitoring

Effective and strategic monitoring is key to demonstrating that biodiversity related commitments are met.

Revegetation and Rehabilitation

The final stage in the process that creates a lasting impression of your company’s impact upon the environment.





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Earth Systems China Office
Shanghai China
Tel:(86-21) 6887 2968
Fax:(86-21) 6887 2969